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- North County Acupuncture™2420 Vista Way
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Tag Archives: nausea
Cancer Treatment Side Effects? Acupuncture to the Rescue
Cancer treatments can cause a variety of other side effects that also need to be addressed. More and more research is showing acupuncture as a viable option for additional pain management for those receiving chemotherapy or surgery and for the common side effects those treatments can bring. These side effects can include neuropathy, dry mouth, constipation, anxiety, and nausea.
Posted in Acupuncture, Cancer
Also tagged acupuncture, cancer, chemo, side effects, tcm
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3 AcuPoints for Anxiety
One of the most wonderful things about being an acupuncturist is the ability to stimulate points on my own body when I need to. If I get a headache, or feel a cold coming on, I can always hop up on my table for a quick tune-up with some needles. Even when I’m not at the office, the magic of acupuncture can still work for me – as long as I know where the points are and what they do, I can press on them and get results.